I will publish ONE guest post a week.
Anything you submit can be related to twitter, microblogging, blogging in general. You may choose a topic based on your own personal experiences.
* Your post must be your own original work
* The post must be grammatically correct and well-written.
* The post may not include marketing-related links and cannot be entirely self-promotional.
* You agree to not publish the post anywhere else (unless it has already appeared on your own blog. You agree you will NOT submit it as a guest post to other blogs)
* You can include a link in the byline, which will be displayed at the beginning of the post.
* [OPTIONAL] The post may also include links to your website and blog in a brief author’s bio (approximately 3 sentences), which will be published at the end of the guest post.
How do I submit my guest post?
If your article meets the guidelines set above, you can email it to me thetwitterer.blogspot (at) gmail.com. You must include the post as a TEXT attachment.
Within 24-48 hours I will notify you that I accept or reject your article. If I reject your post (or if you don't hear back from me within 48 hours), you are free to use the copy in your own blog or to propose it as a guest post to some other website. All submissions will be verified for originality using a tool such as Copyscape.com or Plagium.com.