the twitterer
...the tweet goes on...
看著我深愛的主人( 嗯...嚴格的說,我只把她當成室友跟長期飯票 )
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thursday's child
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The Twitterer's Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from 19 January 2010 This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please leave...
人生最大的樂趣,莫過於可以慵懶的躺在舒服的馬桶上 看著我深愛的主人( 嗯...嚴格的說,我只把她當成室友跟長期飯票 ) 為我忙近忙出的張羅一切... 你呢?你覺得人生最大的樂趣是什麼? 我的室友(也就是一般人稱為主人的那個高挑辣妹),心血來潮建了 一個屬於自己的部落格,身為她最親...
annoying allstar#12 ^_^
so i met this idiot at work. new guy. asks me out AFTER seeing my wedding ring. i say no. next day asks me again in the break room. squeezes...
Twitter Can Be A Dangerous Place!
Just ask Ozzie Guillen!
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