I can't recall when my first plane ride was but I was sure it wasn't during the first five years of my life. My daughter, on the other hand, had her first travel via plane even before her third month birthday. And that's for an international flight, whew!
George carried BBG most of the time at the airport. Ain't he sweet? He didn't care whether the burp pad was draped on his shoulder, he looks like a doting father to his precious (look-alike) daughter.
Since our flight was delayed for almost 30 minutes, George and Georyl had ample time for their bonding moments while waiting for the flight.
Well, who wouldn't when you are sleeping on your father's lap and kept secured not only by the infant seat-belt but with daddy's loving hands as well?
During the flight we were offered two types of sandwiches: chicken and cheese, a drink (we had soda) and an olive.
The arial view of Portugal was magnificent. I loved watching the long stretch of shoreline which looked like white beaches.
Minutes before our plane landed at the Lisbon, I took some pictures of the capital of Portugal.