Show the world you care! Be a part of the "I Blog, I Care Movement." Here are the rules on how to join:
- Copy the "I Blog, I Care" badge and the rules (1 to 6) on this page.
- Post these in one or all your blogs.
- Tag/invite your other friends to join by sharing this with them.
- Leave your post URL here: The Twitterer (
- For every ten (10) blogs joining the I Blog, I Care Movement, a $1.00 donation will be given to the International Committee of the Red Cross. You can also donate directly here:
- Spread the love and show you care.

Just some notes:
- It is recommended that you copy and paste the rules as is in order to avoid omission of important details.
- Please enter only your POST URL in the list below. All links not following this instruction will be deleted.
UPDATES: Now, for every 10 bloggers (instead of 15), a $1.00 donation will be given to ICRC. Minimum online donation accepted is $15 and first batch of donations will be given when number of participants reaches 150.
I strongly suggest that you send your donations directly to the ICRC website. However, if you'd like to donate for this cause but the $15 minimum online donation is too high for you, you can send me your donations via paypal and I'll add it to the amount generated by the "I Blog, I Care" Movement. When the total reaches $15, I'll donate it immediately to ICRC. All transactions will be posted on this site for transparency. Please email me for the paypal details.
Hope you could support this cause.
Thank you.