One of my bestfriends has fallen in love for the first time and just like any other girl in love, she thinks what they have is a great love story unfolding. But before they could go beyond the "once upon a time" phrase, the "the end" phrase began to lurk in every sentence of their story book.
She's in love with a man who has cancer. He was diagnosed with leukemia shortly after they met sometime ago.
I know this sounds like the movie A Walk To Remember but this is not fiction, it's real. And now she's asked for my advice and asked me that if I were in her place, would I be willing to go into a serious relationship with someone who has cancer?

Add to that the issue of terminal illness, and the problem gets bigger.
So, my answer to her question will be: IT DEPENDS.

Life is a journey and we meet people along the way. If I happen to meet a wonderful person somewhere along the path, it doesn't matter whether the meeting will just be brief and short. What matters is that I had memorable sweet memories that will last a lifetime.
To love or not to love? It depends. But I really hope and pray that God will send a miracle to the both of you, miga Nic.