With the aid of her walker
Actually we bought her a walker last month when she was almost 5 1/2 months old. We were in the mall when George let her try the walker which was on display. We knew that she liked using it right at that very moment. For a while, she was even oblivious to everything (and everyone) and was kicking and jumping excitedly.
When we got home, we left her playing for almost half an hour and she didn't mind. Wow, what a relief that was to me. You see, I've been complaining to George that Baby G doesn't like to sit and lie down anymore. She wants to stand up and practice kicking - and my arms and wrists were already sore holding her while she exercises.
Today, Baby G surprised me by entering the kitchen while I was checking what I was cooking. I left her in the living room and was gone for about two minutes and I can't believe that she can now control where she's heading and she was faster this time, too. The other day, her dad told me that she'd followed him from the living room to the bedroom as well.
I really need to watch over her carefully now, I guess. Wow, now I understand why they say that babies grow real fast. Every day brings a surprise... and what a joy that is.
Here's another picture of Baby G. This photo and the one above were taken on the day we brought the walker last month.