The blogger's block is back!
Just when I was so excited to start on another blog, I again found myself staring at the screen with nothing in mind as to what I'm going to write. If you have noticed, lately I was updating this blog every other day only.
Thanks to Dave Lucas for suggesting some topics I could write about. Hopefully, I can again start writing something worthwhile (LOL) here at The Twitterer. Since my new blog is about family, homekeeping, personal finance and other concerns of a stay at home mother and wife, I can now explore other topics to write about here.
Speaking of the new blog, have you come across it yet? It's At Home With Georyl. If you have time, kindly visit it now and post a comment on any article. Mention that you read the link here at The Twitterer. First 5 commenters mentioning The Twitterer will get 100 Entrecard credits!
Suggestions are also welcome.