Sources say the service is finally closing down, after rumours of its demise surfaced about a year ago, joining other services yahoo picked up over the years. The news broke originally via twitter in a tweet reportedly posted by one of the original founders of MyBlogLog!
In a statement about the current status of one particular site, Yahoo said 'we are not shutting down Delicious'.
The firm added that the site was 'not a strategic fit' and that 'there is an ideal home for Delicious outside of the company where it can be resourced to the level where it can be competitive'.
Just in case you were wondering what the co-founders of soon-to-be dead MyBlogLog are up to, Eric Marcoullier and Todd Sampson started a new website/collective named OneTrueFan. (A better title would be "OneMoreThingToSlowYourBrowserLoadTime" - a must to avoid if you want to keep your Google PageRank high enough to make a little adsense money!)