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Starting tomorrow, "The Twitterer" will be featuring different blogs and will grade them according to a checklist that I came up w...
Hello again , today guess what I did!..... absouletely nothing... lol... just got done eating a burrito yum.... Hey I take that back... I we...
just looked at my blog traffic report :( maybe i should put up a pic of my tits? LOL my girl denti says i should either do that or put up a ...
Thursdays = the longest days on earth. TODAY WOULD NOT END. *kicks the wall in her frustration* Forging ahead... i am so amazed at the shal...
Kanye West Britney Spears Twitter war? RIP Nelson Mandela Twitter Trend -He is NOT DEAD Kim Kardashian Twitter fans ticked over '2Sex...
人生最大的樂趣,莫過於可以慵懶的躺在舒服的馬桶上 看著我深愛的主人( 嗯...嚴格的說,我只把她當成室友跟長期飯票 ) 為我忙近忙出的張羅一切... 你呢?你覺得人生最大的樂趣是什麼? 我的室友(也就是一般人稱為主人的那個高挑辣妹),心血來潮建了 一個屬於自己的部落格,身為她最親...
I am but a small voice and this is my only way to let my voice heard. I'm imploring you to read the following in the hope that you'l...
Just ask Ozzie Guillen!
It has as far as TG Daily writer David Gomez is concerned! "According to Reuters, a group of Facebook shareholders is looking to offlo...