If you think your account may have been compromised, you might want to change things. Read this to learn how. Don’t use the same password for different services, especially when you’re also using the same email address for all the services. Don’t use your name, birthdate, social security number, phone number or home address as a password.
Gizmodo says that as social media has become part of the fabric of our lives, access to a Twitter account gives hackers access to a whole lot more. Michael Callahan explains it on Juniper Networks's blog about the report.
See also: Hackonomics: 'Cyber Black Market' more profitable than illegal drug trade
Twitter offers two-factor authentication. When you sign in to twitter.com, there’s a second check to make sure it’s really you. You’ll be asked to register a verified phone number and a confirmed email address. To get started, follow these steps:
- Visit your account settings page.
- Select “Require a verification code when I sign in.”
- Click on the link to “add a phone” and follow the prompts.
- After you enroll in login verification, you’ll be asked to enter a six-digit code that we send to your phone via SMS each time you sign in to twitter.com.