Here are the awards that I've received and the rules on these tags.
Beautiful Blogger Award
Rules:- Thank and link to the person who gave you the award;
- Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic;
- Contact the blogs and let them know that they have won.
- State 7 things about yourself.
I would like to thank Mom To The Power of Three for the recognition. I'll place the names of the bloggers to whom I'm passing this award at the end of this post. As for the 7 things about myself, here they go:
1. i'm a Filipina currently living abroad
2. i have a wonderful husband whom i consider as my soulmate (He's the Best!!!)
3. i gave birth to a sweet little princess late last year via CS
4. i am a certified public accountant
5. i am a frustrated singer
6. i love surfing the net
7. i am wearing eyeglasses because i'm near-sighted
Sunshine Award
- Put the logo on your blog or within your post;
- Pass the award onto 12 bloggers;
- Link the nominees within your post;
- Let the nominees know they have won the award by commenting on their blog;
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.
I'm giving the Sunshine Award and Beautiful Blogger Award to: Basic Bloganomics, Dave Lucas, Basically Becky, Beyond Feron, Grampys World, Mom's Place, My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf, The Way I See It, A Walk Through Life.
NOTE: Will edit this post to place additional links later (or tomorrow). Happy blogging!