I was starving after I my workout today--had the day off from the j.o.b. :) I came home, chopped some fresh brocolli and green bell pepper. I tossed the veggies and a handful of corn into the steamer for about 10 minutes on medium heat.
In another pan I heated a little olive oil and added some garlic, cumin, red pepper flakes, salt and black pepper. I let it sizzle for about a minute and put in a 1/4 cup of water and brought it all to a boil. I put in a 1/4 cup of whole wheat couscous, covered the pot and shut off the heat. After 5 minutes I mixed the couscous and steamed veggies together and topped it with slivered almonds.....mmmmmm, mmmmmmm!...Delishush lunch with lots of veggies, fiber, protein and very low in fat.
The lunch took me precisely 15 minutes to fix---now I'm full and can sit and read for a few hours :)
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